April 2016: Planetary Boundaries

Watch the 3 videos below with your Chapter, and discuss. Please ensure your chapter comments on the Member Resource Site post by the end of the month! You may comment individually as members, or collectively as a chapter. The questions below are intended as guides: you do not need to answer all (or any) of the questions, so long as your comment is somehow related to the topic and materials. We encourage you to engage in discussion with one another in the comments section!

Orienting Discussion Questions:

  1. Which countries or regions are the biggest contributors to climate change?
  2. Which parts of the world rely heavily on rain-fed agriculture? How is climate change affecting crop yields in these regions?
  3. What must be done on a global scale to mitigate climate change?
  4. How can we alter our daily routines to lessen our impact on the climate?

Video 1: Managing the Effects of Climate Change On Poverty

Video 2: Jeffrey Sachs Lecture 6, Chapter 1

Video 3: Climate Change Will Impact South Asia
Key Points:

  • “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts” is Sustainable Development Goal #13
  • The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the international governing body for negotiating the global response to climate change.