Hey, Giving Challenge Superstars!
7 days left. Let's make History with this year's Giving Challenge.
To help you raise the most moolah po$$ible for your amazing Partners, we have put together7 SIMPLE AND SUCCESSFUL STRATEGIES (1 for each day) to help you + your chapterRise to the Challenge.
First, if you haven't done "Build the List" with your chapter, or if you haven't sent out any emails to family/friends asking for support, DO THAT NOW! That's the #1 strategy for getting donations (asking for them!). Once you've completed that first critical step, have fun with these 7 daily strategies, and make sure to track your progress here - you know there will be prizes! 
Here's the Challenge Tip for Day 1! Click here or the image for full details and templates to make this process SO EASY and EFFECTIVE!
Inline image 1
Let's do this! Reach out to your CS Mentor or Anna Marie @ NINO (annamarie@nourish.org) with questions or if you want help with the day's strategy.