January 2016: Education

Watch the 3 videos below with your Chapter, and discuss. Please ensure your chapter comments on the Member Resource Site post by the end of the month! You may comment individually as members, or collectively as a chapter. The questions below are intended as guides: you do not need to answer all (or any) of the questions, so long as your comment is somehow related to the topic and materials. We encourage you to engage in discussion with one another in the comments section!

Orienting Discussion Questions:

  1. What is “Education,”  and why is it important?
  2. What are some of the largest barriers to obtaining a quality education? Consider the similarities and differences that exist in different regions of the world
  3. What role does gender play in obtaining an education?
  4. What are your thoughts on how to increase access to education in different regions of the world?


Video 1: A Girl Who Demanded School -- how education promotes gender equality

Video 2: teaching one child at a time -- discrepancies between money allocated to education in India and children in attendance, etc.

Video 3: Episode 7 of Five-Minute Film Festival


Key Points:


  • Quality education is one of 17 Global Goals that make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development Goal #4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all


  • Children living in poverty are four times more likely to be out of school than children who are not experiencing poverty

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