Rise to the Challenge: Day 3


Day 2's Challenge: Hotline Bling

Verbal and in-person communication is becoming somewhat of a lost art with the convenience of texting, social media, and email. Today's challenge is all about putting a face to your Nourish Story!

FaceTime/Video Chat your family members and close friends to tell them your Nourish Story and invite them to join you in your Partnership. Seeing your actual face and hearing your beautiful voice makes your story and request for support so much more impactful! 

Likewise, challenge yourself to ask a few friends at school for their support, in person! Working on a group project or having dinner with some roomies? That's a great time to let them know what you're up to with Nourish, and to ask if they would spare some dollas to support your Partnership! Remember, donations of any amount are great- if no one can spare $10, ask for your friends to pool their money and enter it as offline donations on CrowdRise. Every little bit helps! 

Have you emailed/texted someone but haven't heard back? This is also a great day to FOLLOW UP! Give them a call to catch up and make sure they got your email/text about the Giving Challenge. Can't bear to go old-school on the phone? Follow up anyway-- another text or email will only help. 

Check out the Giving Challenge Packet pgs 4-9 for some great tips on how to tailor your message when you're taking to different kinds of potential donors. 

Remember to track your progress here to be eligible for that prize money! Shout out to the all-star chapters who are already Rising to the Challenge: Cornell, Miami U, Hope College, Syracuse, UF, and UNM! WOOP WOOP! 

Okay, put a smile on that face and share your Nourish Story TODAY! 

As always, you can reach out to your CS mentor, alumni mentor, or Anna Marie (annamarie@nourish.org) with questions or for more tips.