College of Charleston - R.I.P.E

R.I.P.E is a Venture idea that was created and pitched at the 2015 Summer Institute. It won the popular vote there and we are thrilled that it is launching at the brand new Chapter at College of Charleston! RIPE2.0Repurposing Imperfect Produce Effectively is a Venture that truly embraces the ideas of social entrepreneurship. The Chapter partners with local farmers to tackle the issue of food waste within their community while providing students healthy snack options with their product. The Chapter obtains, for an exceptionally low price, produce that wouldn’t normally sell due to its appearance. The students then repurpose the produce to produce healthy and delicious juices like apple, kale, lemon, and mint juice, or strawberry lemonade, or ginger, peach, apple, and kale juice. They sell the juice on campus along with reusable cups with the Nourish logo. Read all about R.I.P.E in the VF application or check out the Venture Database entry!

San Diego State University - Kind Campaign

SDSU bracelets

SDSU, a new Chapter this year, wants to launch a Venture that represents their Chapter’s attitude, and they’re all about spreading kindness and appreciation so they came up with the Kind Campaign. For this Venture, a customer buys two handmade, one-of-a-kind bracelets for a suggested donation, typically between $3 and $10, and then they give one away to a friend or stranger that they witness doing something kind for another person. The SDSU Chapter created this venture in hopes of spreading Nourish Love and showing the SDSU student body that you can do more than sell a product to make a difference in your own community and in others’. The Kind Campaign is a way to spread kindness and awareness through generous acts and fashionable rewards. Each bracelet is made by an SDSU Chapter member and sold at the beach. Read all about the Kind Campaign in the VF application or check out the Venture Database entry!

Emory - Custom Stickers and Buttons

emorystickersEmory noticed a trend on campus and they have decided to launch a Venture that takes advantage of the opportunity.  They noticed that social media has become an overwhelmingly cluttered space to advertise and people are starting to cover their laptops in stickers. To address this trend and reinvigorate the arena of visual marketing, the Emory Chapter decided to sell laptop stickers to groups and organizations on campus. They have Nourish stickers, stickers with designs inspired by their partner, MOCHE, and they also have an option to create your own set of custom stickers. Student organizations around their campus have already placed orders! Read all about the Custom Stickers and Buttons in the VF application or check out the Venture Database entry!

Syracuse - Ugly Sweater Holiday SaleuglysweaterFBpostersyracuse

As most college students know, Ugly Sweater party season is fast approaching and the Syracuse Chapter wants to be the one-stop-shop in Syracuse for students in need of a sweater. Chapter members purchase low-cost sweaters from local thrift stores, in Syracuse and in members’ hometowns, and sell them for a premium price at their sale during the weeks after Thanksgiving break. They have developed a detailed marketing plan to make sure those in need of an ugly sweater are aware of this Venture. Read all about the Ugly Sweater Holiday Sale in the VF application or check out the Venture Database entry!


If you have any questions about these Ventures ask your Chapter support person to connect you with the Chapter members, or reach out via GroupMe! You can also check out the Venture Database entries!